Think about languages

Think about languages

Mar 10, 2023 04:40 PM
Let's start with a thought experiment.
Imagine you are living in an unfamiliar place. What would you do? Most likely, you would think and check information in your native language. Only when you have to attend a social event would you have to learn some of the local language, right?
So the point is, if your work involves more mental tasks, the language you think in is not as important as the language that can provide you with more useful information and allow you to think freely.
When using ChatGPT online, such as on Bing, it's important to check if the source language provides more meaningful information. This will help ChatGPT provide better results, creating a positive feedback loop. However, due to censorship, the Chinese language may not be able to convey as much information as English.
It's unfortunate that censorship limits the amount of information that can be conveyed in Chinese.